“Leopard Glam" is a captivating mixed media piece that fuses bold patterns with glittering elegance. This round magnet artwork is adorned with gold glitter and strips featuring a striking leopard print design. Interspersed among these elements are small, leaf-shaped pieces in vibrant orange and yellow hues. The shimmering and patterned elements embodies a wild, untamed beauty and makes a bold statement in any space with its unique blend of textures and colors.
“Leopard Glam" is a captivating mixed media piece that fuses bold patterns with glittering elegance. This round magnet artwork is adorned with gold glitter and strips featuring a striking leopard print design. Interspersed among these elements are small, leaf-shaped pieces in vibrant orange and yellow hues. The shimmering and patterned elements embodies a wild, untamed beauty and makes a bold statement in any space with its unique blend of textures and colors.